

Contact us

contact us

contact information

Dedicated to the research and development of special automatic equipment for vehicle display,
motor, battery and assembly and detection

Suzhou BAT Automation Technology Co., Ltd.

Address:Building 6(Plant 1), Chengnan Technology Industrial Park, No. 25 Dongwu South Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City
Tel: 0512-65852653 / 13915508390
Fax: 0512-66395852
Official account: BAT-SZ
Website: http://www.710qs.com
E-mail: sales@bat-sz.com
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Service Locations

Dedicated to the research and development of special automatic equipment for vehicle display,
motor, battery and assembly and detection

  • Suzhou headquarters(Suzhou BAT Co., LTD
    Add: Building 6, Chengnan Science and Technology Industrial Park, No.25 Dongwu South Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
    Nanjing subsidiaryNanjing BAT Co., LTD
    Add: Building A3-3, Nanjing Industrial Park, Pfizer Holdings, No.77 Shuangpu Road, Pukou District, Nanjing
    Japanese subsidiaryBAT
    Address: No. 14-724, Miyahara Dibumu 12, Yodokawa-ku, Osaka City

    Sales service base:
    Dalian, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Chuzhou, Osaka, Canada

    Contact information:

    Tel :0512-65852653/13382185218
    Fax :0512 66395852
    Account :BAT-SZ wechat account :BAT-SZ
    h: http://www.710qs.com
    Email :sales@bat-sz.com

